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Services matching your request

Transcriptionist - MicroTask Service
Data Entry USD 10 / Task
2 months ago Remote 64
Skills: Detailed Creative Writing
Transcribing audios accurately and grammatically correct, paying attention to every words and detailed ...
Content writing - MicroTask Service
Writer/Editor USD 15 / 100 words
Hi, I'm a content writer with over three years of experience in creating engaging and informative web content for various niches. I help clients reach their target audience, increase their online ...
Weird and unique tasks ,Excel Expertise ,Editing Services,Creative and professional writing,   - MicroTask Service
Virtual Assistant USD 10 / 100 words
At my microtask hub, I offer a unique blend of services that reflect my expertise and passion. As a Microsoft Excel specialist, I excel in advanced data analysis and automation. Additionally, I ...
Email Assistance  - MicroTask Service
Virtual Assistant USD 25 / Task
- Highly capable virtual assistant specializing in email assistance services - Streamline email management process, ensuring organization and responsiveness - Expertise in composing and sending ...
I will write your next fictional story in your choice of genre - MicroTask Service
Writer/Editor USD 10 / 100 words
last year Remote 333
Skills: Creative Writing Writing
Is there a story you want to read or an idea you want to bring to life? Maybe you want a story ready to be sold to a publication or on Amazon. Heck, maybe you need another short story to add to ...
Editing and Proofread Your ChatGPT Generated Stories - MicroTask Service
Writer/Editor USD 10 / 100 words
I offer to edit and proofread any fictional story generated by Ai services like ChatGPT. I'll offer feedback, suggest edits, and help upgrade your story to the next level. Afterward, you can sell ...
Logo creation (style - minimalism) - MicroTask Service
Graphic Designer USD 50 / Task
Creation of a logo from scratch or according to your ideas. You form the terms of reference with the main points: 1) Company name; 2) field of activity; 3) preferred colors that you will ...
Creation of a logo and corporate identity (minimalism) - MicroTask Service
Graphic Designer USD 100 / Task
Creation of a logo from scratch or according to your ideas. You form the terms of reference with the main points: 1) Company name; 2) field of activity; 3) preferred colors that you will ...
